Finance Glossary
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This Glossary tries to express and explain the active use of economic terms. It has not the slightest claim to be a definitive authority: it is simply a record of common modern usage, and makes no value-judgements. Business terms can be complicated. This guide offers more than 2.000 economic terms. These terms are part of the common finance language. The mastery of these terms will take you a long way down the road to economic understanding. This Glossary can bring you closer to discovering economics. This Glossary will fill both your personal and business foreign language consultation needs for commonly used financial terms. While complying with its primary mission and objectives, the Foundation of Financial and Exchanges Studies (FFES) expects this publication suppose a great tool for all spanish companies currently engaged in international business practices. Most of the enclosed terms are indeed already commonly used and have become part of our daily financial vocabulary. FFES Financial Glossary contains definitions to thousands of financial terms, all cross-referenced so that you can instantly look up the meaning of any unfamiliar words in a definition.

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