Essential Legal Dictionary English / Spanish and Spanish / English

Essential Legal Dictionary English / Spanish and Spanish / English
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With more than 45,000 entries covering all areas of law, plus relevant terms in related spheres of expertise, this new Essential Edition is based on the popular Third Edition of the English/Spanish and Spanish/English Legal Dictionary. These are the dictionaries that lawyers, law students, translators, and those working in English and Spanish in law and associated fields have been trusting since the First Edition was published in 1993. Because of its straightforward and naturally intuitive format, there are no special rules or indications for effective use of the Essential English/Spanish and Spanish/English Legal Dictionary. Users simply look up a word or phrase, get the equivalent, and return to their legal work. The general presentation of the dictionary is easy to read, and facilitates finding the desired terms and equivalents with the least time and effort. The convenient paperback format makes it a must-have for school, home, and the office. Con más de 45.000 entradas cubriendo todas las áreas del derecho, más términos pertinentes en esferas relacionadas de pericia, este nuevo Essential Edition está basada en la exitosa Tercera Edición del English / Spanish and Spanish / English Legal Dictionary. Estos son los diccionarios en que abogados, estudiantes de derecho, traductores, y aquellos trabajando en Inglés y Español en derecho y campos asociados han estado confiando desde que se publicó la Primera Edición en 1993. Debido a su formato directo y naturalmente intuitivo, no hay reglas ni indicaciones esenciales para el uso eficaz del English / Spanish and Spanish / English Legal Dictionary. Los usuarios sencillamente buscan una palabra o frase, obtienen el equivalente, y regresan a su trabajo legal. La presentación general del diccionario es fácil de leer, y facilita econtrar los términos y equivalentes con el mínimo de tiempo y esfuerzo.

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